
1 min readJan 14, 2022

you speak in knowing rhetorics and hushed whispers, a portrait of quiet confidence that is foreign to my unsure heart. honey, you reek of cigarettes and heartbreak and maybe it’s that smile or how you make me laugh but i can’t ignore you to save my life.

you have eyes with depth that can only come from hurt that all i can think about is how to dive inside them and see how you made it out alive and make sure you never have to go through it again.

and maybe it’s that facade to mask the big heart that you hate to have, maybe it’s all the sadness in my baggage that i’m still figuring out how carry, maybe it’s just that i love talking to you and all of that wit and i just know that a lifetime might not suffice to forget you:

i keep wondering if i should run now before i fall too deep into you, before you ever get a chance to hurt me, or me you,

but i can’t seem to shake that time you first held me in your arms and it felt like somewhere i was always supposed to be.

