Jemu (2019)

2 min readFeb 22, 2021

There are times where I dread Mondays when even waking up feels heavy
And Tuesdays let me wonder if this is all that’s left for me

I think the sky loses its majesty sometimes on Wednesday mornings
The spirits I have left, too, leave me without any warnings

It isn’t out of purpose, though, the want of something more
But how do i find wonder in the blurry days of bore?

I ask the mighty sun what must be done to stop the weary
“Just look around and see,” he answers me all gleefully

“I see these mundane things all day,” I frown as to object
“But is it really dull or is it all just in your head?

All I see is beauty from up here,” he tells me smiling
“What’s stopping you from doing the same thing?” — I was left sighing.

As Thursday forces unto me, chaos bright in its eyes
Desperate for a change, I turn the light on in my mind

It’s blurry, but it’s there: the colours I chose not to see
I see now that the sun shines for himself and not for me

He hangs there in the sky, although he’s praised by nobody
What a life it is to glow that bright, solely just to be

Maybe all things can be beautiful, what I decide’s what matters
I went to say grace to the sun but he no longer answers

Silent as he is, maybe he trusts too much, it shows
I’m afraid my light will wear off soon, I don’t think he knows

But as I have discovered every day things made anew–
Perhaps I can be, too.


